Here’s today’s tip: Don’t forget: Your opponent reads your website too. Don’t post anything you don’t want used against you.
This tip applies broadly to your website, social media and anywhere online. In any campaign, you are appealing to various constituencies which overlap to a greater or lesser degree. If you find yourself appealing loudly to one group, you may tick off another.
The idea here isn’t to be disingenuous or to pander. Rather, be careful about what you say and how you say it. Know that there’s somebody on the other team seeing all the material you put out. If it can be used against you, it will be.
Write your content for your idea support base at large and be careful that you don’t hand ammo to your opponents in the process. Factual inaccuracies, grammatical errors, contradictory positions and more have been found by opponents in campaign materials and used against them.
Be smart, keep your positions clear, have somebody check your grammar and know your opponents are watching. Unforced errors happen to most campaigns, but nearly every one I’ve seen could have been easily avoided. Don’t post anything you don’t want used against you.